Bonnie Buttons
Meet Bonnie Buttons. Bonnie is a very sweet little shetland. Bonnie is ten years old. Bonnie is a very friendly and sweet mare who loves attention. Bonnie is good to catch, lead, load and for the farrier. Weight management is always something to be considered if you are thinking of offering Bonnie a loving home. Bonnie has been in foster homes with children and is very quiet.
If you feel you may be able to offer Bonnie Buttons the forever home she truly deserve then do follow the link below to fill out the form. Homecheck and adoption fee will apply.
If you feel you may be able to offer Bonnie Buttons the forever home she truly deserve then do follow the link below to fill out the form. Homecheck and adoption fee will apply.
If you want to offer Bonnie Buttons a home please go to our adoption page and fill in a form.